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Dead Man's Cell Phone
by Sarah Rhul

Assistant Director
Assistant Scenic Designer
University of Northern Iowa, spring 2017

Embossed stationery moves through the air slowly, like a snow parade.
Lanterns made of embossed paper, houses made of embossed paper, light falling on paper, falling on Jean and Dwight, who are also falling.

We created diversity in the appearance of the paper houses by using onion paper for cut-out windows, and doubled-up doors

Assistant Scenic Designer

In addition to helping with research and building a scale model of the space, I was also placed in charge of creating the paper houses. They were to descend from the catwalks and light up. Due to stagecraft students assembling these houses, their plans also had to be straight-forward and easy to mass produce. Thus, I created a paper-doll format with small lines that showed where to cut and fold.

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Director: Cynthia Goatly
Lighting: Chris Andersen
Costumes: Jennifer Sheshko Wood
Scenic: Leonard Curtis
Sound: Almeda Beynon
Photos: Roland Ferrie